Saturday, June 16, 2018

Not A/c but air conditioners made environment torrid.

Some people still enjoying this terrible wheather of summers in their corporate office, home, and the count of such people slightly increases as year passes. That definitely contribute to make global warming at it's peak and more hot and scrouching. Which creates imbalance in our eco system, but the intellectuals within that comfy doesn't even know that what they plant for their future ( affect on our eco system and health), by using these man-made machines including vehicle with air-conditioning, Home air conditioners, refrigerators. We write our own The end story, in metropolitan area the air pollution remain unchanged that includes more toxic in air and killing our earthlings. Whereas that air-conditioner, refrigerators both contain natural gases called CFC(cloro fluoro carban), HCFC(hydroclorofluorocarban), and HFC(hydrofluorocarban) these contributes 1% to 2% percentile in our environment which causes slightly more hot in atmosphere. According to the Hindu's article, that most pollution related deaths occurred in India in the year of 2015 and survey conducted by newspaper reported that India reserved 25% deaths caused by pollution. Means, 2.51 million deaths caused by pollution, India reserved 1st rank in environment related deceases, which is increases 9 million deaths by 2017. These air conditioners started making by 1902, and the first modern air-conditioner was made by American engineer, Willis carrier, yes, the carrier corporation established by him and is still working worldwide in many countries, as manufacturer of air-conditioner, and refrigerators and allot to offer till date.

Hence : that interest me seeing in this war who will won at last, if we win the whole human race drawn in nature rage or nature have everything devoted us but the question is how well we exploit that despite of any evil greed.

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