Monday, January 7, 2019


  • Financial industry grows subsequently with each year as Govt infused more funds in the national banks to support growth this leads to business funding and economic growth, around all of these factors creates financial planning professionals requirement more than what was the need for, that is what makes it more attractive choice for students across the world.

  • what is a financial planner? as the name suggests the one who can plane a person's financial assets to reach out some certain goals. e.g, high dividend expectancy, retirement planning, estate planning, tax planning, and risk management

  • what is needed? a person should up to date with all of the latest economic news, a degree or diploma that includes finance subjects and if there are other ways you aware of, do let me know in the comments, skills that are needed; management skills, analytical skills, etc. Makes a financial planner a complete package to apply their skills in the economy.

  • Career opportunities - there are various career opportunities as per qualification and credentials some of them are;
               1. Banks - Uses FP to plane their budget, investment avenues, and other expenditure.

               2. Financial planning organizations - have many big clients such as companies, HNI for which FP teams work towards making potential returns out of that big amount.

               3. Life insurance companies - FP plays a really big roll in the life insurance sector to estimate the new schemes for the economy that is product planning and etc.

               4. Stock and securities markets - in this sector in which securities are doing well, added, and others arbitrage according to the situation, studying about market or sectors to speculate the investments.

               5. Mutual fund - is the set of a bunch of securities, included to form well-diversified portfolio and professional financial planners' teams work behind to make sure the funds will be well diversified and find great investment avenues from different sectors.

               6. Fund manager - as the name suggests, manages various funds of the stock market and handle increase and decrease the proportion as per volatility.

               7. Freelancer - one can do business independently but, that requires well-off social connections. Managing
their client's money as per their requirement or need.

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