Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Emergency funds really helps you in emergency.

Before I start let me ask. How many of your heard of ‘’emergency funds”. I know many of you from commerce or business backs heard of that term. How co-operates Banks and financial institution use them at the time of liquidity crisis. Same applies to your own life. Many people are so into in their life often forget that life is not just about making living and paying our credit card or dues. It also about you, this is something always there with you at any point of time. If you need it so you can access to the same and not looking up or begging for money from people, but when it comes to save it really needs that extra kicks in your pants as you get older. Old Said- “by saving minor drops every day, you get the jar full of water”, weather you invest emotionally or financially in your savings now days. I rarely find anyone with this mindset these days, including me, not really since a year ago. It’s really sound hard but at that time when you would be in need. It really give that peace of mind. These things are really sound small and minor but help one a lot in small events of life. Hope you guys like it, I hope this may be helpful anyways. Thank you

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